Ways to find profitable affiliate niches

Ways to Find Profitable Affiliate Niche


Do you want to earn money online by promoting other people’s products or services?

If yes, then you might be interested in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a type of online marketing where you earn money by promoting other people’s products or services. You sign up for an affiliate program, get a unique affiliate link, and share it with your audience. When someone clicks on your link and buys from the merchant, you get a commission.

Sounds simple, right?

But there is a catch.

To succeed in affiliate marketing, you need to find a great affiliate niche that is profitable, relevant, and interesting for you and your audience.

A niche is a specific topic or category that you focus on in your affiliate marketing business. It is the problem that you solve or the need that you fulfill for your audience.

Finding a great affiliate niche can be challenging, as there are many factors to consider, such as market demand, competition, commission rates, product quality, etc.

But don’t worry.

In this article, I will show you some of the best ways to find a great affiliate niche, using examples and screenshots. I will also give you some tips and best practices to help you choose and validate your niche.

By the end of this article, you will be able to:

  • Use keyword modifiers to find affiliate keywords
  • Use Flippa to discover profitable niches
  • Use footprints to find affiliate programs
  • And more!

Are you ready to find your great affiliate niche?

Then let’s get started!

Method 1: Use keyword modifiers to find affiliate keywords

One of the best ways to find a great affiliate niche is to use keyword modifiers to find affiliate keywords.

Keyword modifiers are words or phrases that you can add to your main keyword to make it more specific and relevant. For example, if your main keyword is “wireless headphones”, you can add keyword modifiers such as “best”, “reviews”, “comparison”, “buy”, etc., to get more affiliate keywords, such as:

  • Best wireless headphones
  • Wireless headphones reviews
  • Wireless headphones comparison
  • Buy wireless headphones

Affiliate keywords are keywords that indicate a high purchase intent or a specific problem or need that your audience has. For example, if someone searches for “best wireless headphones”, they are likely looking for a product recommendation or a solution to their problem of finding the best wireless headphones.

Affiliate keywords are great for affiliate marketing, as they help you:

  • Find profitable and relevant products or services to promote as an affiliate
  • Create and share valuable and relevant content and offers with your audience
  • Drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions for your affiliate links or offers

But how do you find affiliate keywords using keyword modifiers?

One of the best tools to use is Ahrefs’ Site Explorer.

Ahrefs’ Site Explorer is a tool that allows you to analyze any website or web page and see its organic keywords, backlinks, traffic, etc.

You can use Ahrefs’ Site Explorer to find affiliate keywords using keyword modifiers, by following these steps:

  • Enter your main keyword in the search bar and click on the search icon
  • Click on the “Organic keywords” tab to see the list of keywords that the website ranks for
  • Use the “Include” filter to add your keyword modifiers, separated by commas, and click on “Apply”
  • Sort the results by “Volume” to see the most popular keywords, or by “CPC” to see the most profitable keywords
  • Analyze the results and see which keywords are relevant and suitable for your niche and audience

For example, let’s say you want to find affiliate keywords for the niche “wireless headphones”, using keyword modifiers such as “best”, “reviews”, “comparison”, “buy”, etc.

Here is how you can use Ahrefs’ Site Explorer to find affiliate keywords using keyword modifiers:

  • Enter “wireless headphones” in the search bar and click on the search icon
  • Click on the “Organic keywords” tab to see the list of keywords that the website ranks for
  • Use the “Include” filter to add “best,reviews,comparison,buy” and click on “Apply”
  • Sort the results by “Volume” to see the most popular keywords, or by “CPC” to see the most profitable keywords
  • Analyze the results and see which keywords are relevant and suitable for your niche and audience

Try this yourself on ahref or other similar tool and you will see that there are many keywords that you can use for your niche, such as:

  • Best wireless headphones 2024
  • Wireless headphones reviews 2024
  • Wireless headphones comparison chart
  • Buy wireless headphones online

You can use these keywords to find and promote quality and relevant products or services as an affiliate, and to create and share valuable and relevant content and offers with your audience.

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Method 2: Use Flippa to discover profitable niches

Another way to find a great affiliate niche is to use Flippa to discover profitable niches.

Flippa is a platform that allows you to buy and sell online businesses, such as websites, apps, domains, etc.

You can use Flippa to discover profitable niches, by browsing and analyzing the niche websites that are for sale on the platform.

Niche websites are websites that focus on a specific topic or category, such as travel, fitness, gardening, etc.

Niche websites are great for affiliate marketing, as they help you:

  • Find profitable and relevant products or services to promote as an affiliate
  • Create and share valuable and relevant content and offers with your audience
  • Drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions for your affiliate links or offers

But how do you use Flippa to discover profitable niches?

One of the best ways to use Flippa to discover profitable niches is to use Flippa’s filters and categories to find niche websites for sale, by following these steps:

  • Go to Flippa’s website and click on the “Websites” tab to see the list of websites that are for sale
  • Use the filters and categories on the left sidebar to narrow down your search, such as “monthly revenue”, “monthly profit”, “monetization”, “niche”, etc.
  • Sort the results by “Most Active”, “Most Profitable”, “Ending Soon”, etc., to see the most popular and profitable websites
  • Analyze the results and see which websites are relevant and suitable for your niche and audience

For example, let’s say you want to find a profitable niche in the travel industry, using Flippa’s filters and categories.

Here is how you can use Flippa to discover profitable niches in the travel industry:

  • Go to Flippa’s website and click on the “Websites” tab to see the list of websites that are for sale
  • Use the filters and categories on the left sidebar to narrow down your search, such as:
    • Monthly revenue: $500 – $10,000
    • Monthly profit: $100 – $5,000
    • Monetization: Affiliate, Advertising, Ecommerce, etc.
    • Niche: Travel
  • Sort the results by “Most Active” to see the most popular websites
  • Analyze the results and see which websites are relevant and suitable for your niche and audience

Try searching for travel niche websites on Flippa and you will see, there are many profitable niche websites that you can use for your affiliate marketing business, such as:

  • Travel Gear Zone: A website that reviews and recommends travel gear and accessories, and earns over $1,000 per month from Amazon Associates and other affiliate programs
  • Travel Blog Breakthrough: A website that teaches and helps travel bloggers to grow their blogs and income, and earns over $500 per month from various affiliate programs and products
  • Travel Visa Pro: A website that provides and sells travel visa services and products, and earns over $10,000 per month from various affiliate programs and ecommerce

You can use these websites to find and promote quality and relevant products or services as an affiliate, and to create and share valuable and relevant content and offers with your audience.

Method 3: Use footprints to find affiliate programs

Another way to find a great affiliate niche is to use footprints to find affiliate programs.

Footprints are words or phrases that are commonly used by affiliate programs or websites, such as “affiliate program”, “partner program”, “referral program”, etc.

You can use footprints to find affiliate programs, by searching for them on Google, using Google’s advanced search operators.

Google’s advanced search operators are special commands that you can use to modify your search queries and get more specific and relevant results.

You can use Google’s advanced search operators to find affiliate programs using footprints, by following these steps:

  • Go to Google’s website and enter your main keyword in the search bar
  • Add a plus sign (+) and a footprint after your main keyword, such as “affiliate program”, “partner program”, “referral program”, etc.
  • Use quotation marks (“) around your footprint to get exact matches, such as “affiliate program”, “partner program”, “referral program”, etc.
  • Use other advanced search operators, such as site:, intitle:, inurl:, etc., to narrow down your search, such as site:.com, intitle:affiliate, inurl:partner, etc.
  • Analyze the results and see which affiliate programs are relevant and suitable for your niche and audience

For example, let’s say you want to find affiliate programs for the niche “technology”, using footprints such as “affiliate program”, “partner program”, “referral program”, etc.

Here is how you can use Google’s advanced search operators to find affiliate programs using footprints:

  • Go to Google’s website and enter “technology” in the search bar
  • Add a plus sign (+) and a footprint after your main keyword, such as “affiliate program”, “partner program”, “referral program”, etc., such as technology + “affiliate program”
  • Use quotation marks (“) around your footprint to get exact matches, such as technology + “affiliate program”
  • Use other advanced search operators, such as site:, intitle:, inurl:, etc., to narrow down your search, such as technology + “affiliate program” site:.com
  • Analyze the results and see which affiliate programs are relevant and suitable for your niche and audience

Here is a screenshot of the results:

!Screenshot of Google’s results for technology + “affiliate program” site:.com

Try searching for {technology + “affiliate program” site:.com} on Google, and you will see, there are many affiliate programs that you can use for your niche, such as:

  • Best Buy Affiliate Program: An affiliate program that allows you to promote and sell a wide range of technology products and services, such as computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, cameras, etc., and earn up to 7% commission for every sale
  • Microsoft Affiliate Program: An affiliate program that allows you to promote and sell Microsoft’s technology products and services, such as Windows, Office, Xbox, Surface, etc., and earn up to 10% commission for every sale
  • TechSmith Affiliate Program: An affiliate program that allows you to promote and sell TechSmith’s technology products and services, such as Snagit, Camtasia, Screencast, etc., and earn up to 15% commission for every sale

You can use these affiliate programs to find and promote quality and relevant products or services as an affiliate, and to create and share valuable and relevant content and offers with your audience.

Some Tips and Best Practices to Improve Your Affiliate Marketing Results

You have learned how to find a great affiliate niche using keyword modifiers, Flippa, and footprints. You have also learned how to choose, optimize, and measure the best marketing channels for your affiliate marketing business.

But before you go and start applying what you have learned, here are some more tips and best practices to help you improve your affiliate marketing results and achieve your goals.

  • Choose quality and relevant products or services: The products or services that you promote as an affiliate should be of high quality and relevant to your niche and audience. They should solve a real problem or fulfill a real need for your audience. They should also pay you a fair and generous commission for every sale. You can find quality and relevant products or services by doing market research, reading reviews, testing the products or services yourself, etc.
  • Disclose your affiliate relationships: You should always disclose your affiliate relationships and comply with the rules and regulations of your affiliate programs and platforms. You should inform your audience that you are an affiliate and that you may earn a commission if they buy from your affiliate links or offers. You should also follow the guidelines and best practices of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the European Union (EU), and other relevant authorities. You can disclose your affiliate relationships by using disclosures, disclaimers, terms and conditions, privacy policies, etc.
  • Build trust and loyalty with your audience: You should always provide value, honesty, and transparency to your audience. You should not spam, deceive, or manipulate your audience. You should not promote products or services that you do not believe in or that are not suitable for your audience. You should not make false or exaggerated claims or promises. You should provide excellent customer service and support to your audience. You should also reward your loyal and repeat customers with incentives, bonuses, discounts, etc.
  • Diversify and expand your marketing channels and income streams: You should not rely on one or a few marketing channels or income streams for your affiliate marketing business. You should diversify and expand your marketing channels and income streams to reach and attract more potential customers and to reduce your risks and uncertainties. You should also test and experiment with new and emerging marketing channels and income streams to find new opportunities and advantages for your affiliate marketing business.
  • Learn and apply the latest trends and best practices in affiliate marketing: You should always keep yourself updated and informed about the latest trends and best practices in affiliate marketing. You should follow the news, blogs, podcasts, videos, courses, books, etc., that are relevant and useful for your affiliate marketing business. You should also learn from the experts, mentors, coaches, peers, etc., who have more experience and knowledge than you. You should also apply what you learn and adapt to the changing market and customer needs and preferences.
  • Network and collaborate with other affiliate marketers and influencers in your niche: You should not isolate yourself or compete with other affiliate marketers and influencers in your niche. You should network and collaborate with them to create and join communities and groups, to share and exchange ideas and insights, to cross-promote and co-create content and offers, to provide and receive feedback and testimonials, to generate and refer leads and customers, etc.

These are some of the tips and best practices that can help you improve your affiliate marketing results and achieve your goals. Of course, there are many more tips and best practices that you can learn and apply, but these are some of the most important and effective ones.


Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money online by promoting other people’s products or services. But to succeed in affiliate marketing, you need to find a great affiliate niche that is profitable, relevant, and interesting for you and your audience.

In this article, you learned:

  • What are keyword modifiers and how to use them to find affiliate keywords
  • What is Flippa and how to use it to discover profitable niches
  • What are footprints and how to use them to find affiliate programs
  • And more!

We hope this article helped you understand how to find a great affiliate niche using various tools and methods. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you.

Here are some more tips and best practices to help you find a great affiliate niche:

  • Choose a niche that you are passionate and knowledgeable about, or that you are willing to learn and explore
  • Choose a niche that has a large and active audience, who are looking for information or solutions related to your niche
  • Choose a niche that has low to medium competition, where you can stand out and offer something unique and valuable
  • Choose a niche that has high-quality and relevant products or services, that pay you a fair and generous commission for every sale
  • Choose a niche that has room for growth and innovation, where you can diversify and expand your marketing channels and income streams

Are you ready to find your great affiliate niche?

Then don’t wait any longer and start finding your niche today!

Thank you for reading and happy affiliate marketing! 😊

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  • What is a niche and why is it important for affiliate marketing?
    • A niche is a specific topic or category that you focus on in your affiliate marketing business. It is the problem that you solve or the need that you fulfill for your audience. A niche is important for affiliate marketing, as it helps you find profitable and relevant products or services to promote, create and share valuable and relevant content and offers, and drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions for your affiliate links or offers.
  • How do I find a great affiliate niche?
    • You can find a great affiliate niche by using various tools and methods, such as keyword modifiers, Flippa, and footprints. You can also use other tools and methods, such as market research, keyword research, audience research, etc. You need to choose a niche that is profitable, relevant, and interesting for you and your audience.
  • How do I use keyword modifiers to find affiliate keywords?
    • Keyword modifiers are words or phrases that you can add to your main keyword to make it more specific and relevant. You can use keyword modifiers to find affiliate keywords, which are keywords that indicate a high purchase intent or a specific problem or need that your audience has. You can use tools like Ahrefs’ Site Explorer to find affiliate keywords using keyword modifiers.
  • How do I use Flippa to discover profitable niches?
    • Flippa is a platform that allows you to buy and sell online businesses, such as websites, apps, domains, etc. You can use Flippa to discover profitable niches, by browsing and analyzing the niche websites that are for sale on the platform. You can use Flippa’s filters and categories to find niche websites for sale that are relevant and suitable for your niche and audience.
  • How do I use footprints to find affiliate programs?
    • Footprints are words or phrases that are commonly used by affiliate programs or websites, such as “affiliate program”, “partner program”, “referral program”, etc. You can use footprints to find affiliate programs, by searching for them on Google, using Google’s advanced search operators. You can use tools like Google’s advanced search operators to find affiliate programs using footprints.
  • How do I validate my niche idea?
    • To validate your niche idea, you need to test and verify that there is enough demand, interest, and profitability for your niche. You can use tools and methods such as Google Trends, Amazon Best Sellers, ClickBank Marketplace, etc., to see how popular and profitable your niche is. You can also use tools and methods such as surveys, polls, interviews, etc., to get feedback and insights from your target audience.
  • How do I find my target audience?
    • To find your target audience, you need to define and segment your ideal customer persona, which is a detailed profile of your ideal customer, including their demographics, psychographics, interests, etc. You can use tools and methods such as Facebook Audience Insights, Twitter Analytics, Instagram Insights, etc., to find and analyze your target audience. You can also use tools and methods such as forums, blogs, social media, etc., to find and interact with your target audience.
  • How do I join an affiliate program or platform?
    • To join an affiliate program or platform, you need to apply and register with the merchant or network that offers the products or services that you want to promote as an affiliate. You can use tools and methods such as Google, Flippa, footprints, etc., to find affiliate programs or platforms that are relevant and suitable for your niche and audience. You can also use tools and methods such as reviews, ratings, testimonials, etc., to evaluate and compare different affiliate programs or platforms.
  • How do I create and share valuable and relevant content and offers with my audience?
    • To create and share valuable and relevant content and offers with your audience, you need to understand and address their needs, desires, and pain points. You can use tools and methods such as keyword research, content research, competitor analysis, etc., to find and create content and offers that are useful and helpful for your audience. You can also use tools and methods such as blogging, social media, email marketing, podcasting, video marketing, etc., to share and distribute your content and offers with your audience.
  • How do I drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions for my affiliate links or offers?
    • To drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions for your affiliate links or offers, you need to optimize and measure the performance of your marketing channels. You can use tools and methods such as Google Optimize, Optimizely, Unbounce, etc., to test and improve various elements of your content and offers, such as headlines, copy, images, and calls to action. You can also use tools and methods such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, etc., to track and analyze various metrics and data, such as traffic, clicks, impressions, conversions, and revenue.